Sunday, April 10, 2011

Small Town Minneapolis

I love Minneapolis. I love it because it's a big city with big city attractions, but it's a place that is small town at heart.

On Friday Calhoun and I went to see Avenue Q at the Mixed Blood Theatre in Minneapolis. We planned to see it with a group of friends and when Calhoun and I arrived there we realized that we had another set of friend in the audience! It was great to sit with friends and watch the show, because it was hilarious and inappropriate and it was good to have lots of people around to share the humor with!

I thought our arrival at Mixed Blood felt a little small town. There is one small ticket window and no electronic record keeping for tickets. When we rushed into the theater, just a few seconds before the show started, the house was full with just a few hundred people in the seats. We were waived in by friends and enjoyed a great show!

After the show everyone headed over to the Kitty Cat Klub for some post-show libations, but we split off to meet the Cellos, who were coming into town to surprise Minnehaha's mom for her birthday.

When the the Cellos come into town it always feels like a small town homecoming. People make plans, get together and reminisce about the old times. I love the small town feel :)

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